September is Adventurous Applique for the Island Batik Ambassadors. I knew for this month's challenge that I would have to learn a new technique and to try something different. My Island Batik bundle was Flora Nova, designed by Kathy Engle. I thought of doing layered circles, but the fabric kept telling me "BEES." I designed some quilt ideas in Electric Quilt and printed out bee blocks.

I chose some neutrals and cut them up into 12-1/2" squares and 6-1/2" rectangles for the background. The challenge requirements were to make a lap quilt size or larger.

After I traced the bees onto the background, I cut my fabric pieces and glued them down with a glue stick. I sewed one bee and it did not look good, so I did some out patient surgery and removed the pieces of neutral background and inserted new pieces. I traced the bees again, but this time I used Bosal Stitch n' Peel as a fusible foundation. This worked much better for the raw edge applique.

Originally, I was going to make flowers for the bees, but I decided to make some more bees. Then I realized the bees needed a home, so I made a beehive.

I used a black perle cotton to embroider the antennae. I used the chain stitch and the whipped backstitch. I was an avid needlepointer before I started quilting, so I absolutely love handwork and needlework. One day, I will get back to needlework too, because I have a large stash of projects to finish.

After I was done embroidering the antennae and appliqued the bees and the hive, I made my quilt sandwich. I spray basted the layers together and then I pinned it, just to make sure everything stayed together. I used silk batting from Hobbs Tuscany Collection.

Recently, I purchased the new B990 machine from Bernina. My new machine has given me confidence to try new things, like free motion quilting. My quilt is not perfect by any means, but I still love how it came out. The best part of this challenge is that I tried raw edge applique and I made a quilt from start to finish all on my own. No running off to my longarmer at the last minute to get something quilted. I did it entirely myself and I know that I will get better at free motion quilting with practice. I even called my mom and told my husband to come and see what I had quilted.

Here she is: Welcome to the Beehive.

Be sure to go over to the Island Batik blog this week and enter a chance to win a bundle of Flora Nova. It really is a beautiful collection. Plus, if you comment on my blog below, you will have a chance to win a set of (25) 5" inch strips from Flora Nova and neutrals.

A side note on the importance of bees.
There are over 20,000 bee species worldwide and they are an endangered species. Bees are like wasps, but they feed their young pollen and honey, whereas wasps feed their young insects and spiders. The male bees usually do not live long. The female bees are the ones responsible for making the nests and taking care of the young. Bees are entirely dependent on flowers for food. Honeybees live together in cooperative nests and hives. Bees are subject to parasites, diseases and climate change and have been on the decline; unfortunately they are now endangered. Let's do our share to help save the bees.
If you like the Cutterpillar light box I use, please head on over to their website and see the amazing products that they sell. If you enter LADYBLUE in the coupon section on checkout, you will receive 15% off your order. I will receive a nominal commission.
All of the fabrics, threads and batting were provided to me for this challenge.
If you are interested in the Bernina B990 visit Cotton Candy Fabrics in Brookfield, CT or the Bernina dealer that you use.

I absolutely love your quilt! I love bees. The applique bees are so adorable and the quilting looks great. shades000(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for sharing the information on bees. Pollinators are facing so much stress these days. One thing I do is make certain we have safe, welcoming water sources for them, year-round.
Lovely summer quilt. i love the honey bees & their hive.
Emily C e b callender at gmail dot com (where is the form to add that info privately?)
Very creative and the meander-type quilting was a good choice. Applique is fun, although time consuming!
I Love this quilt it is adorable. You can really have fun with this quilt in making it. Any pattern available soon? Have A 😀 Day!